The Guadarrama Abogados Research Centre is the academic area designated to provide diverse and non-legal related services, such as legal anthropology, transitional justice and human rights consultation and research.


The Guadarrama Abogados Research Centre is the academic area designated to provide diverse and non-legal related services, such as legal anthropology, transitional justice and human rights consultation and research.


The Guadarrama Abogados Research Centre is the academic area designated to provide diverse and non-legal related services, such as legal anthropology, transitional justice and human rights consultation and research.

Andrea Guadarrama Prado

Master Degree in Philosophy (MPhil) specialized in Transformative Justice by the University of Cape Town, in South Africa and has a Master Degree in International Human Rights Law (L.L.M) by the University of Notre Dame. She has worked in civil society giving legal advice to victims; as a public official making proposals for public policy of attention and compensation to victims and; as an international civil servant designing prison evaluation models. She has worked as an independent consultant advising personnel of the Justice and Peace Tribunal and the Victims Unit in Colombia in matters of damage repair and attention to victims, as well as aiding autonomous human rights organizations in Mexico and other public institutions and non-governmental organizations in issues related to human rights and transitional justice. She worked as a consultant for the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) in the Mexican context.


Transitional justice and human rights counseling and research.


Guadarrama Prado A., 2014. La Universalidad de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos, In. México: Iuris Tantum.

Guadarrama Prado A., Macher Reyes M., 2016. “Contenido y alcance del crimen de guerra de ordenar desplazamiento forzado de civiles de acuerdo al artículo 8(2) (e) (VIII) del Estatuto de Roma” In. Vlaencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Guadarrama A., Hernandez M., Correa C., 2020. Reflexiones sobre justicia transicional en México: paradojas y procesos posibles, ICTJ.


Andrea Guadarrama Prado

Master Degree in Philosophy (MPhil) specialized in Transformative Justice by the University of Cape Town, in South Africa and has a Master Degree in International Human Rights Law (L.L.M) by the University of Notre Dame. She has worked in civil society giving legal advice to victims; as a public official making proposals for public policy of attention and compensation to victims and; as an international civil servant designing prison evaluation models. She has worked as an independent consultant advising personnel of the Justice and Peace Tribunal and the Victims Unit in Colombia in matters of damage repair and attention to victims, as well as aiding autonomous human rights organizations in Mexico and other public institutions and non-governmental organizations in issues related to human rights and transitional justice. She worked as a consultant for the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) in the Mexican context.


Transitional justice and human rights counseling and research.


Guadarrama Prado A., 2014. La Universalidad de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos, In. México: Iuris Tantum.

Guadarrama Prado A., Macher Reyes M., 2016. “Contenido y alcance del crimen de guerra de ordenar desplazamiento forzado de civiles de acuerdo al artículo 8(2) (e) (VIII) del Estatuto de Roma” In. Vlaencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Guadarrama A., Hernandez M., Correa C., 2020. Reflexiones sobre justicia transicional en México: paradojas y procesos posibles, ICTJ.


Transitional justice and human rights counseling and research.


Andrea Guadarrama Prado

Master Degree in Philosophy (MPhil) specialized in Transformative Justice by the University of Cape Town, in South Africa and has a Master Degree in International Human Rights Law (L.L.M) by the University of Notre Dame. She has worked in civil society giving legal advice to victims; as a public official making proposals for public policy of attention and compensation to victims and; as an international civil servant designing prison evaluation models. She has worked as an independent consultant advising personnel of the Justice and Peace Tribunal and the Victims Unit in Colombia in matters of damage repair and attention to victims, as well as aiding autonomous human rights organizations in Mexico and other public institutions and non-governmental organizations in issues related to human rights and transitional justice. She worked as a consultant for the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) in the Mexican context.


Guadarrama Prado A., 2014. La Universalidad de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos, In. México: Iuris Tantum.

Guadarrama Prado A., Macher Reyes M., 2016. “Contenido y alcance del crimen de guerra de ordenar desplazamiento forzado de civiles de acuerdo al artículo 8(2) (e) (VIII) del Estatuto de Roma” In. Vlaencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Guadarrama A., Hernandez M., Correa C., 2020. Reflexiones sobre justicia transicional en México: paradojas y procesos posibles, ICTJ.

Víctor Manuel Guadarrama

Bachelor Degree in Cultural Anthropology by the Universidad de las Américas in Puebla. Certified in Critical Theory at the Instituto de Estudios Críticos 17. Master Degree in Social Sciences with a specialty in Globalization and Sustainable Development at the Conacyt Desyglo Quality Postgraduate Program at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. Doctorate candidate in the dual program by the Universidad Autónoma Baja California Sur and the Desyglo postgraduate program by the Department of History and Art of the Universidad de Granada. Member of the inter-institutional project of “Historia Ambiental del Golfo de California” (Environmental History of the California Gulf), with the authorship of two chapters to be published: “Ilegalidad, criminalidad y violencia. Reflexión de síntesis y en perspectiva decolonial de la asimetría del extractivismo que es en sí violencia y verdadera ilegalidad ”; " Conclusiones. Lectura del extractivismo del Golfo de California a partir de la cartografía simbólica”. Author of the article “Abismo y Re-existencia. Subjetividades transhumanas en la contracultura mexicana entre 1965 y 1975” both included in “En pie de Lucha. Re-Existencias en el Sur Global. Aprendizajes Bioculturales” a work published by the Universidad de Granada. 

Founding member of the Co-laboratory of Social Sciences for Sustainability at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. He has participated in multiple conferences and colloquia on social sciences and philosophy, both nationally and internationally. In addition, he has carried out expert reports in anthropology and environmental matters. He has translated, both academic and legal texts, from English to Spanish.


Anthropological and Environmental Expert’s reports.

Translations of Academic and legal texts from English to Spanish.


Guadarrama, V. (2020) Abismo y re-existencia. Subjetividades transhumanas en la contracultura mexicana de 1965 a 1975. En A. Ortega y C. Olivieri (Eds.), Saberes bioculturales: en pie de re-existencia en el Sur Global (pp.233-258). Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada.

Guadarrama, V. (2020) Ilegalidad, criminalidad y violencia. En M. Cariño (Ed.), Extractivismo industrial y comercial del Golfo de California, 1830-2019, Vol.II (pp.249-274). Granada: Comares.

Cariño, M., Domínguez, W. y Guadarrama, V. (2020) Conclusiones: Lectura del extractivismo del Golfo de California desde la cartografía simbólica. En M. Cariño (Ed.), Extractivismo industrial y comercial del Golfo de California, 1830-2019, Vol.II (pp.275-294). Granada: Comares.


Víctor Manuel Guadarrama

Bachelor Degree in Cultural Anthropology by the Universidad de las Américas in Puebla. Certified in Critical Theory at the Instituto de Estudios Críticos 17. Master Degree in Social Sciences with a specialty in Globalization and Sustainable Development at the Conacyt Desyglo Quality Postgraduate Program at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. Doctorate candidate in the dual program by the Universidad Autónoma Baja California Sur and the Desyglo postgraduate program by the Department of History and Art of the Universidad de Granada. Member of the inter-institutional project of “Historia Ambiental del Golfo de California” (Environmental History of the California Gulf), with the authorship of two chapters to be published: “Ilegalidad, criminalidad y violencia. Reflexión de síntesis y en perspectiva decolonial de la asimetría del extractivismo que es en sí violencia y verdadera ilegalidad ”; " Conclusiones. Lectura del extractivismo del Golfo de California a partir de la cartografía simbólica”. Author of the article “Abismo y Re-existencia. Subjetividades transhumanas en la contracultura mexicana entre 1965 y 1975” both included in “En pie de Lucha. Re-Existencias en el Sur Global. Aprendizajes Bioculturales” a work published by the Universidad de Granada. 

Founding member of the Co-laboratory of Social Sciences for Sustainability at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. He has participated in multiple conferences and colloquia on social sciences and philosophy, both nationally and internationally. In addition, he has carried out expert reports in anthropology and environmental matters. He has translated, both academic and legal texts, from English to Spanish.


Anthropological and Environmental Expert’s reports.

Translations of Academic and legal texts from English to Spanish.


Guadarrama, V. (2020) Abismo y re-existencia. Subjetividades transhumanas en la contracultura mexicana de 1965 a 1975. En A. Ortega y C. Olivieri (Eds.), Saberes bioculturales: en pie de re-existencia en el Sur Global (pp.233-258). Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada.

Guadarrama, V. (2020) Ilegalidad, criminalidad y violencia. En M. Cariño (Ed.), Extractivismo industrial y comercial del Golfo de California, 1830-2019, Vol.II (pp.249-274). Granada: Comares.

Cariño, M., Domínguez, W. y Guadarrama, V. (2020) Conclusiones: Lectura del extractivismo del Golfo de California desde la cartografía simbólica. En M. Cariño (Ed.), Extractivismo industrial y comercial del Golfo de California, 1830-2019, Vol.II (pp.275-294). Granada: Comares.


Víctor Manuel Guadarrama

Bachelor Degree in Cultural Anthropology by the Universidad de las Américas in Puebla. Certified in Critical Theory at the Instituto de Estudios Críticos 17. Master Degree in Social Sciences with a specialty in Globalization and Sustainable Development at the Conacyt Desyglo Quality Postgraduate Program at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. Doctorate candidate in the dual program by the Universidad Autónoma Baja California Sur and the Desyglo postgraduate program by the Department of History and Art of the Universidad de Granada. Member of the inter-institutional project of “Historia Ambiental del Golfo de California” (Environmental History of the California Gulf), with the authorship of two chapters to be published: “Ilegalidad, criminalidad y violencia. Reflexión de síntesis y en perspectiva decolonial de la asimetría del extractivismo que es en sí violencia y verdadera ilegalidad ”; " Conclusiones. Lectura del extractivismo del Golfo de California a partir de la cartografía simbólica”. Author of the article “Abismo y Re-existencia. Subjetividades transhumanas en la contracultura mexicana entre 1965 y 1975” both included in “En pie de Lucha. Re-Existencias en el Sur Global. Aprendizajes Bioculturales” a work published by the Universidad de Granada. 

Founding member of the Co-laboratory of Social Sciences for Sustainability at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. He has participated in multiple conferences and colloquia on social sciences and philosophy, both nationally and internationally. In addition, he has carried out expert reports in anthropology and environmental matters. He has translated, both academic and legal texts, from English to Spanish.


Guadarrama, V. (2020) Abismo y re-existencia. Subjetividades transhumanas en la contracultura mexicana de 1965 a 1975. En A. Ortega y C. Olivieri (Eds.), Saberes bioculturales: en pie de re-existencia en el Sur Global (pp.233-258). Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada.

Guadarrama, V. (2020) Ilegalidad, criminalidad y violencia. En M. Cariño (Ed.), Extractivismo industrial y comercial del Golfo de California, 1830-2019, Vol.II (pp.249-274). Granada: Comares.

Cariño, M., Domínguez, W. y Guadarrama, V. (2020) Conclusiones: Lectura del extractivismo del Golfo de California desde la cartografía simbólica. En M. Cariño (Ed.), Extractivismo industrial y comercial del Golfo de California, 1830-2019, Vol.II (pp.275-294). Granada: Comares.


Anthropological and Environmental Expert’s reports.

Translations of Academic and legal texts from English to Spanish.



Reflexiones sobre justicia transicional
en México: paradojas y procesos posibles

Informes de la Clínica Jurídica Internacional

La universalidad de la Declaración
Universal de Derechos Humanos

Del abismo a la re-existencia:
pensar la crisis que se revela

Extractivismo marino-colonial. Apropiación asimétrica de recursos marinos en el golfo de California (México) siglos XVI-XXI

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